Made with 🧠☕️👾 in XD, Figma, Webflow and TouchDesigner.
Generative art in reaction to the March 2021 Atlanta murder of 8 Asian individuals, a deplorable crime in a list of anti-Asian hate crimes spanning the last year. The lack of nuance in the media's response had begged the question of WHO we should #STOPASIANHATE from? And how there is a historical pattern of domination of Asian women in western societies that stem from stereotypes and racial caricature.
Sometimes the medium is the message. I injected emotional lorem ipsum into portfolio designs I played with when first learning Adobe XD. These were mini projects dedicated to trusting the process of emotional healing, and to developing a sense of style in motion & UI design.
I was seeking new mediums to write poems and prose, so I tried infusing them into some digital design stuff. I felt like the outcome was more interesting than a pen & paper creation.
UI elements repurposed for erratic look and feel. Includes doomscrolling funnels, phone mocks for ads, neurotic widgets and turn notifications OFF IxD.
Exploring layout, composition & type through journaling uncomfortable realizations/feelings in those moments.
One of my goals is to create a projection mapping project. This has proven to be quite difficult, but in the meantime I've learned fundamentals about how to make funky 2D & 3D things in TouchDesigner, and how to animate them to react to audio, gestures, and noise.