I worked with the Product and Tech teams to design the user flow, information architecture, user stories and high fidelity prototypes for a digital wellbeing product. I had the opportunity to exercise full creative direction for an early stage product. In addition, I led the UX and market research efforts by conducting surveys, interviews and a beta test. As a team we acquired our first 1000 users from a user base of 0.
The prevalence of dementia more than doubles every 5 years after the age of 65, going from 2% to over 25%. Markers for symptoms can begin to develop 20 years before they arise. Science has shown that targeting the environmental risks for cognitive decline (such as lifestyle) can reduce one's risk for age-related cognitive decline. Unfortunately, many don't take action until they are past the point of preventative action.
To get people interested in brain health to promote healthy brain aging, while they are still within the window of opportunity to reap the benefits of preventative action.
How might we use digital nudging & lifestyle intervention to promote better brain aging?
As the first full-time designer at Synaptitude, I put a design system and brand language in place that spans all client-facing interactives and continues to evolve within them. This includes the redesigned Synaptitude website, product experience, landing pages and any related marketing documentation.
Teams were advised not to conduct primary user research due to confidentiality reasons as Adobe Photoshop Camera was in the final stages before release.
When I initially joined as a Market Research Intern, Synaptitude Brain Health had begun their transition from an in-person brain health service, to a B2C digital brain health offering. I used my business sense to explore avenues for product-market fit. After my internship I continued on as their first full-time Product Designer to apply the research foundation I had built, into a set of design directions for the user experience, user interface, and customer experience.
The look & feel of the poster design took on many forms, elements of the identity emerged as the ideation process went on. We were going for brutalism that felt clean, safe, yet visually interesting.
This first concept followed the first round of graphics that included a 3D asset that I wanted to work into the interaction design.
Users would be able to isolate the separate lineup days through a hover interaction. They could also grab and drag the 3D asset in the background.
The final concept was based on the final version of the poster. I focused on information density and microanimations to bring the site to life.
Rarely in digital spaces, are we asked to slow down. We proposed there might be function in form, in that we could pace a user through an information search to elicit a more meaningful feel than just showing them branded campaign filters, and then prompting them to sign a petition after. We knew this experience had to be balanced, so to no go too deep on the information discovery and create a blog-like app experience.
The concept of putting users in the center of the petition experience manifested further in our scrappy wireframes. We imagined that our solution could be nested in the Photoshop camera app to reduce the steps needed to snap, sign, & share. What we wanted was something fun, easy, but could quickly generate content to be reflected back at users so that campaign influence could be visualized & the output of the petition signing could be meaningful for both its supporters & producers.
We designed an immersive visual social campaign that can attract supporters from multiple access points - focused on the act of sharing. Users see posts on social media from known celebrities, ambassadors and friends showing their support for ocean conservation through a co-creative campaign.
Through the Glowing Social Campaign Card users are introduced to The Ocean Agency’s ongoing fight to save the coral reefs. This 'Featured' section provides an opportunity for organizations like The Ocean Agency to remotely host immersive campaigns that create breath-taking visuals with the help of Adobe’s AI powered filters.
Design Consideration: What should users see first? Filters, campaign information, or a prompt to sign?
We decided to have users see campaign information, then select some sort of personal route to a filter, then be prompted to sign the petition before accessing the filters. This is added friction, but we wanted to emphasize the importance of the signature coming before the filters, and that this was first and foremost a petition experience.
Users can snap, sign, and share selfies with their personalized glowing filters to show their support for ocean and climate action by joining global petitions and spreading awareness. They can also choose to let their signed selfie play a bigger role in a larger visual campaign as each signature automatically opts into providing the organizers with content.
Design Consideration: Opt-in or opt-out of sharing user generated content for campaign organizers?
We initially wondered if users should opt-in to share their photos with the organizers, but chose to have an opt-out option instead as the design challenge asked for a streamlined way for petition signing to also generate content that could be used to support organizations in visualizing their impact beyond just signatures.
After signing the petition, users can choose from a variety of filters offered by The Ocean Agency that are inspired by the fluorescing coral reefs. They can also add their signature to complete their visualized campaign support.
After taking a selfie, users have the option to add glowing signature stickers generated using Adobe Sign processing to add final touches. We imagined that this user-generated content could be used in visual campaigns that show the power in numbers.
Design Consideration: How close to real signatures should the signature stickers be?
Signatures should be masked in some way as to not give away a person's real signatures. Perhaps the stickers generated are of signature of their name instead.
In the Photoshop Camera experience, the featured section showcases popular petitions based on your interests or your location. In our prototype, we don't have a filter ability for this, rather we modeled our approach based on a marketing model where organizations could pay for promotion - though this is a cost-barrier and may lead to a bottleneck of only 'profitable' causes.
We often see brands call on the public to engage with them through free experiential marketing experiences which generate content for the brand. This same concept can be applied to social causes to help them to visualize their support to their stakeholders. In our prototype, users also have the option to opt-out of sharing their photos with the petition organizers prior to adding their signature to the petition.
Integrating Adobe Sign within Photoshop Camera made it a one-stop-shop to explore fun visual filter content, while discovering the deeper significance of how engaging with those filters contribute to campaigns relevant to the social needs of today's society.
Images from The Ocean Agency: Glowing Glowing Gone Logo (top center), art by @jesscarterr.png (bottom left), Glowing Gone Poster by Ronna Encarnacion.
The design brief also prompted us to consider how the signing experience can extend beyond a mobile application. We figured that colour categorized filters could make it easier to aggregate the content in the future to create multimedia exhibits, for example, creating a mosaic of an ocean scene out of all the supporter selfies. We drew inspiration from interactive, co-creative exhibits done by Teamlab and Moment Factory.
In recent years the City of Surrey has received nearly 36% of all refugees in British Columbia,26% more than any other city in the province.
Many newcomers come in families with at least 1 child, 58.5% of refugees in Surrey are under the age of 18.
Upon arrival, newcomers are often faced with information overload and have limited time to spare between all the factors involved in navigating a new system:"cultural and family norms/expectations around providing childcare to grandchildren [made] it more difficult to participate in settlement and language programming, as childminding is only available for direct dependents".
As a part of HCL, we were connected to mentors at the City of Surrey and with members of the community with lived experience, whom we interviewed to get a better idea of how we could innovate a solution to make their resettlement process easier.
In our affinity diagram of our interview nuggets, we found that they could be categorized in 9 ways and when connected gave insight into key problem areas we could focus on.
Themes of interview nuggets
Insights from themes
Our initial hypothesis was that our users would naturally engage with a product that was meant to build healthy brain habits to prevent against Dementia. Who wouldn't want a healthy brain? We realized that wasn't exactly the question we needed to ask. As it always skewed the responses to a unanimous "of course I want a healthy brain!" Rather, we needed to find out what people were willing do (and pay) to keep a healthy brain.
I hypothesized value propositions drawing from consumer trends and a thematic analysis of our current research. To test these, I sourced user interviews using organic channels such as social media and forums. We explored various business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) go-to-market strategies. I focused on avenues where Synaptitude could be referred to new clients through business partnerships to build trust through association.
I pitched these avenues to upper management and began to source B2B interviews from LinkedIn and existing Synaptitude relationships. At the same time I was using organic channels to acquire user interviews to test these value hypotheses
After some conversations with potential B2B buyers, we decided to focus on our B2C efforts as many of the calls fell flat when we couldn't speak on our buy-in from end users.
With a foundational understanding of who and what values we should be speaking to, I designed an update to the legacy front-end assessment experience and created the information architecture, flow, and interactive prototype for a minimum viable product (MVP) coaching & intervention dashboard experience.
Our process was to have meetings to discuss requirements, where we would decide on some experiential goals, then I would mock up a design for feedback and iterate from there. For some parts of the experience there was a legacy version. For others, I had the creative freedom to seek inspiration and mock up an appropriate experience.
Below is an evolution of the Brain Health Plan, from its beginnings as a journal type of interaction, to becoming a guided portal to complete interventions.
Aside from legacy updates and requests for designs to the internal Practitioner view, helping out with the conversational agent design, and designing the front-end experience, I was also tasked with creating a future product demo to visualize the interaction design of a full fledged product set with additional features like goal setting and goal tracking. I was given full creative direction with my ideas. By coming up with what was possible as a future state based on wishlist features from user interviews, we could build a better vision of what affordances we would need for the next iteration.
The current user journey requires users to complete baseline evaluations before receiving access to their brain health plan. The plan also had to be assigned manually, so we had to find a way to tell users about this process, without causing frustration.
I used a Reminders section on the home screen of the dashboard to house all time sensitive to-do's so that users could easily learn what was upcoming, and so that we could explain ourselves if there was a MVP human-in-the-loop interaction that would not be instantaneous.
Intervention sessions are a critical part of the brain health plan, though the team wasn't sure how exactly that could be tracked if the training sessions were completed through third parties away from the app.
I designed an experience that used goal setting in lieu of third party data to track users throughout their training journey.
Goal setting also has the potential of encouraging better behaviour change outcomes and creating a more high-touch experience which could be more engaging.
Lastly, I designed screens dedicated to overall progress and goal tracking to tie together what the end of a user journey could look like.
To do this, I looked through the cognitive evaluation reports to isoalte which data sources were appropriate to be housed in this part of the dashboard.
Design consideration: how much information is too much? Or too less?
Throughout the design process, I also balanced internal stakeholder requirements for integration of legacy infrastructure, such as a conversational chatbot that had been developed during the research version of the Synaptitude offering. This chatbot posed as a brain health coach, and interacted with users by setting bedtime goals, tracking goal adherence, and supporting users with health tips everyday.
To test value propositions we needed to optimize our funnel. I designed marketing assets such as video advertisements, tradeshow visuals, product sheets, sales pages, and landing pages to contribute to the customer experience strategy. Our purpose for these assets was to engage users at the early stages of the Buyer Decision Process, and insert delight where possible.
Also as a part of funnel optimization, I worked with the Product Lead to redesign Synaptitude's website to reflect the pivot to a digital offering and speak to the needs of their end user, enterprise buyer, and complementary partner wellness businesses.
Throughout our process were key stakeholders, namely our Co-Creators, who were present at every step from Discovery to Production. The colouring book couldn't have been created without those who provided critical feedback, and we thank all of them for bringing this project to life.
We believe in the function of form, so we took a playful approach to our interviews by providing interviewees with colour pencils and paper while we asked questions. Our interviewees were recently settled children ages 4-12 and their parents. We asked a mix of open ended questions to find out what kind of content they wanted to see and how they would like the narrative to be structured. Together we co-created what became the final landmarks written into the narrative and designed by local artists. We provided an honorarium to all artists & families who were involved.
Each page references a popular landmark in the City of Surrey. From the Surrey Central Library to the playboxes in the park, to helpful resources like the Muslim Food Bank. References to these places as well as events, important phone numbers, and more can be found in the back of the book.
We also added some fun stuff like stickers and a 'colouring corner'.
Since the age of COVID-19, I’ve found myself unable to get away from my phone. The craving for social connection is that much stronger, so every notification brings a little bit more joy, and when there aren’t any notifications, I find myself trapped in the infinity scroll purgatory just to feel any inkling of novelty. The cabin fever coupled with the incessant and habitual reach for distraction had me wondering if even had ADHD. I started to doubt my own cognitive clarity and then to numb it all, I would turn to another session of mindless doomscrolling.
And this self-doubt which naturally led to increased stress and anxiety further created a feedback loop that made me want to escape those uncomfortable feelings, thus more scrolling. Of course, this is not new information nor are these new feelings. For years we’ve all been exposed to the think pieces, docuseries, and viral content pieces that again and again show us exactly why we need to get off these things. Or at least limit our use.
This feature set was designed with the intent to optimize engagement with our closest network, which many users have noted to be hard to navigate to when the feed stopped being chronological. To do this, I first designed a deeper dive into Instagram's Close Friends feature, with Lists. Lists can be created to organize content by grouping similar users. List preferences can be defined for a more curated feed viewing experience for your feed and the contacts in that List. Stories are also grouped into the List categories to create a hierarchy of stories (rather than an endless passive consumption model).
Posts appear to be in no certain order, rather they appear based on the coveted aLgOrItHm which follows a sort of “blackbox” model. You want to see content from those closest to you, but you don’t know when they’ll pop up, so naturally you continue scrolling, and scrolling, and scrolling, and scrolling...
You might’ve heard of the classic psychological study by Pavlov, in which he conditioned dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell by pairing it with the presence of food. This is called Classical Conditioning. It’s when you pair an unconditioned stimulus, one that naturally elicits a response, with a neutral stimulus to create a conditioned response, where the naturally occuring response occurs now to the neutral stimulus, which together becomes a conditioned stimulus. In Pavlov’s study, dogs were made to salivate (unconditioned response) to a sound (neutral stimulus) without the presence of food (unconditioned stimulus), which together made up a conditioned response.
Over time we learn to expect the unconditioned stimulus and adapt our behaviour accordingly, or become desensitized to the stimulus after repeated exposure. This same concept applies to the value of. Rewards seem super valuable to us the first time we receive them, but may not be as meaningful after the tenth time, and especially not after we learn to expect it.
Stimuli and rewards can be given at different intervals to get around this desensitized response, so that the effect is not diminished over time. One of the most powerful reward system intervals is is the variable schedule, which gives rewards in a random interval. Random intervals ensure the conditioned behaviour and response pairing remain strong, by reducing the likelihood of the receiver predicting the reward and adapting to its effects. It also keeps the participant tuned in, hungry, graciously waiting for that hit of dopamine.
I liken our behavioural relationship to social media as a matter of classical conditioning, as opposed to operant conditioning, because I believe our reactions are so implicit and habitual, that we don't need to be trained through 'reinforcements' or 'punishment' to create very strong craving for our phones and/or social media platforms. Rather, I personally believe that the social connectivity satisfied through these platforms is more like a unconditioned stimulus that we naturally react to by seeking out, than a positive reinforcer such like in operant conditioning.
Hover over highlighted text within case studies to reveal psych facts
The Availability Heuristic is a cognitive bias in which we tend to call on the most readily available information in our minds to make evaluations. Just like how things in our immediate environment are easier recall, so are thoughts that are most common to our everyday interactions. It's easier to see the value in preventing risks that we can immediately call into mind and that we easily recognize as an impactful consequence of today, rather than tomorrow.
Application: Messaging about brain training to keep your brain sharp to engage in activities you love doing each day, could be more impactful than doing it to prevent dementia in 20 years, given the target audience has a more 'maintenance' health interest.
Self-Efficacy is our belief that we can be successful in the things we want to achieve. High self-efficacy is related to self-esteem, subjective well-being, and motivation. Source.
Application: We can aim to enhance feelings of self-efficacy by providing a resource that makes wayfinding easier for individuals of all ages.
Effort Justification is a cognitive bias in which we associate greater value to outcomes that take more effort to achieve. Source.
Application: co-created experiences feel more personal, because we play a part in making them uniquely appealing to ourselves. With tactful added steps, effortful interaction that blends seamlessly with the experience can add that layer of co-creation. In UX there still should be a balance, as an effortful interaction can turn into a friction point.
This project was completed on the unceded and traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples–Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), Stó:lō and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Nations
The Availability Heuristic is a cognitive bias in which we tend to call on the most readily available information in our minds to make evaluations. It's easier to see the value in preventing risks we easily recognize as an impactful consequence of today, rather than tomorrow.
Application: Messaging about brain training to keep your brain sharp to engage in activities you love doing each day, could be more impactful than doing it to prevent dementia in 20 years, given the target audience has a more 'maintenance' health interest.